In this domain, the models of individual, organizational, and national health can be interesting, however, perhaps the most interesting question is not how the state is like a person, but how does a model of human nature affect a model of the state.
If we apply the assumption of fear as we have done to economics to the political domain, there are interesting implications on movements towards political integration and dis-integration and of national identity as well as of trading blocks. Institutional checks and balances provided by international organizations such as the UN, WTO, that could serve to relieve fear are worthy of study.
Ishizuka, Nathalie, “Constitutional Cover? Collective Security: U.N. Obligations vs. Japanese Constitutional Restraints,” Amherst College, Bachelors Thesis, summa cum laude, 1992. Copy requested for U.N. Library. (240 pages) Comments by Colonel Kades, Founder of Japanese 1946 Constitution.
Ishizuka, Nathalie, “The United Nations as a Crisis Manager: Lessons from Preventive Mental Health to Preventive Diplomacy,” U.N. University, Eisaku Sato Memorial Foundation Award for Essay, 1996. Longer Report Submitted to Kofi Annan and Boutros Boutros-Ghali.
Ishizuka, Nathalie, “Is GATT a ‘Good’ Psychiatrist?: Building a Multilateral Framework,” Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Masters Thesis, December 1995. Comments by Arthur Dunkel, former Head of GATT (now WTO).
Editors and Journals
If an editor is interested in a chapter for book format, or journal form, please notify the author. If you have a syllabus with assumptions about healthy human beings applied to organizations, economics, negotiation, political science or other fields please contact Nathalie Ishizuka through the Positive Mental Health Foundation Contact Form. She is interested in collecting these for future use and sharing.
A Need for Models based on Healthy Human Beings
Organizational and International behavior should be based on assumptions about healthy human beings. Read section a Science of Health (life way), Criteria for Health Models (science of happiness), Happiness Defined? Quantified? (cycle of life), Happier? (fear of the unknown), Why Positive Mental Health Works (objective subjective), and Insights (life purpose).
Visit to understand individuals at their best, happiest, and most creative form. Link to us to promote health and happiness.
Ready Made Descriptions to Link to Organizational and International Behavior:
Individual Health, Organizational Health, National Health
Applications about healthy human beings to economics, international affairs, nations, organizational behavior. A new organizational behavior concept or simply a new field of international behavior based on healthy human beings?