Tag Archives: positive definitions of health
Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs, Maslow theories, Maslow, psychological aspirations or universal human psychological needs, comparison with Lifetrack, a model of positive mental health that allows for tradeoffs of psychological needs, and integrates a model of the mind at its best and in distress. Continue reading
Carl Rogers Psychology
Carl Rogers, self-actualization, theory, psychology of optimal health, unconditional positive regard as a condition for self actualization, theories discussed and compared to Lifetrack therapy, the importance of the therapist relationship, and the fastest route for creating unconditional positive regard. Continue reading
Happiness, Pleasure, Life Purpose, Wellbeing?
Explanation and definitions of happiness, pleasure, life purpose and wellbeing by the Positive Mental Health Foundation and the Lifetrack model of Positive Mental Health. Continue reading
Love Definition
Love definition, intimacy definition, positive definition of love, find love and breakthrough in nine elements of intimacy, test love or the nine elements of your relationship, marriage and intimacy, marriage intimacy and happiness, marriage therapy. Continue reading
Self Definition
Self Definition, what is self, true self, beyond self esteem help, positive definition of self as being in touch, at peace and in control of one’s thoughts, feelings and actions. Dynamic interaction of Self with Intimacy and Achievement in the Lifetrack model of Positive Mental Health. Continue reading
Econometric Modeling and the Mind
Econometric Modeling and the Mind, testing models of wellbeing, Analyzes the extensive daily self-rated data of one individual over a 5 month dramatic change (200 pages) by Nathalie Ishizuka. Extract. Psychology and Quantification of positive mental health by Dr. Yukio Ishizuka. Continue reading
Japan and Psychology
Dr. Yukio Ishizuka’s articles, interviews and lectures on models of the individual to the Japanese, Japanese Organization, Japan, and Japan’s role in international affairs. Continue reading
Economics and Psychology : Oliver Williamson Assumption about Human Actors
Economics and psychology, applying an assumption about healthy human beings to Oliver Williamson’s (Nobel Prize in Economics) theory in transaction cost economics (TCE). Nature of man, role affect (fear) plays in decision making, economics and psychology, economics and cognition, make or buy decision. Continue reading
Nations and Psychology
Nations and National Health, the pursuit of models of the nation state that interact with individual models of health and organizational models of health, nature of man and psychology. Working papers and lectures on the Lifetrack model. Continue reading
Applications of Psychology to Organizations, Nations, International Affairs
Applications about healthy human beings or the nature of man to economics, organizations, international affairs, Japan, nations, negotiation, crisis management and diplomacy, economic integration, war, political science Continue reading