
Links to Other Mental Health Services or Health Info Sites:
National Institute of Mental Health
The latest on reasearch and areas of mental health
The Ford Foundation
Grants for Innovative Initiatives
The Menninger Foundation
Founded by two brothers in Psychiatry with a vision for developing an understanding of the mind in distress and health.  Encourage an understanding of the healthy human mind to be applied to other fields.
Positive Psychology Center
The site for Positive Psychology the study for human strengths in positive terms
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Founder of Positive Psychology and Academic, developeed the concept “flow” a state of wellbeing or consciousness often applied to achievement
Mind and Life Institute
Buddhism as the study of  the human mind and suffering.  In many respects, Buddhism as an understanding of the mind goes further than much of modern psychology
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, On Death and Dying

Ready Made Descriptions to Link to Our Home Page:

Happiness and Health, Cycle of Life, Life Way, Life Questions
A Japanese Harvard trained psychiatrist explores happiness and health, cycle of life, life purpose, life questions, stress types, and a life way that integrates both East and West.

Happiness and Health : Life Way? Positive Mental Health Foundation
Happiness and Health a life way?  Life questions, cycle of life, psychological health by the Positive Mental Health Foundation

Happiness and Health, Cycle of Life, Positive Mental Health
Health and Happiness, Psychological Adjustment, Optimal Adjustment, Cycle of Life, Stress Techniques by the Positive Mental Health Foundation

Personality Test Self Rating, Personality Definition, Life Definition
Personality test : life definition as self, intimacy & achievement, happiness and health, self definition, work definition, love definition, by Positive Mental Health Foundation

Life Questions : Work first ?  Find Love ?  Self Esteem Help ?
Life questions : a life way ?  Happiness and health through work first ?  Self esteem help ? Ability to find love ?, Life through work definition, love definition, self definition

Happiness and Health, Positive Mental Health Foundation
Happiness and health, life questions, personality definition, life purpose, living life, cycle of life, subjective objective, happiness by Positive Mental Health Foundation

Visit to understand individuals at their best, happiest, and most creative form.  Link to us to promote health and happiness.

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